Monday, July 29, 2013

Looks can be deceiving

I told you I was going to have to actually cook in order to use all the peaches Trent purchased.  So here it was fresh out of the oven last night.  I found a recipe online with great reviews so I thought 'how could I go wrong?'  I'm telling you this is why I NEVER cook!  I took a bite and it was not good.  Trent took a bite and asked if I put nuts in it.  NO I did NOT put nuts in it.  I was laughing so hard I was crying.  So I still have lots of peaches left and not sure what I'm going to do with them.  He also bought a mess of fresh green beans.  I haven't fixed fresh green beans since I was probably 10!  So I called my grandma earlier to make sure I knew what I was doing there.  I intend on fixing those tonight, we'll see.  I think I disappoint my grandma sometimes.  Often she'll say 'you would have never known you grew up on a farm.'  She doesn't say it to be mean, but I think she is just surprised at how I've turned out in some domestic departments.

Jill called me last night to fill me in on the details of her move thus far.  She says the neighborhood is quiet without the boys around.  Evidentially they got ANOTHER cat.  She didn't tell me but my mom did.  She usually doesn't tell me those kinds of things because she'll hear a lecture.  I knew even with 3 dogs and 3 cats already this was bound to happen.  Her and Layne Nhi have been volunteering on Friday evenings at the Owen county no-kill shelter.  Layne Nhi has been trying to get my mom to adopt some sort of animal companion.  

We've done nothing eventful today.  I'm waiting on some stuff from MCCSC that I need before submitting my application for a NC teaching license.  I'm not sure if my hire with depend on if I get my license transferred or if they have enough to go ahead.  Either way I'm not too worried.  I am relieved that I won't have to worry about a classroom, but I would like to have a key and nose around a bit.  Teachers go back on the 21st, I think, and kids start on the 26th.  I still have plenty of time to get things squared away.

Have you been eating at all your favorite places?  I remember that when Katie came back from Turkey that it took her awhile to get use to american food again.  I suppose Peter can always cook until you find some great places.  Just a few days now!!!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Busy Day!

So Gus has been on this fishing kick lately and has now been requesting to go swimming in a lake.  We headed to Umstead State Park.  It's between here and Raleigh.  I was researching it a little last night and found out that prior to 1966 when the park was renamed after a governor, it was actually 2 parks, one for whites and one for blacks.  That just seemed so unusual to me.
As you can tell by the pictures we ended up in canoes.  It only cost $5 for an hr on this little lake within the park.  I still can't decide if having Hank with me was more difficult than having Gus.  We found out that you can barrow their fishing poles and return them to the visitors center.  Gus is dying to catch a catfish.  Luckily they didn't have any in this lake.  Overall I think Mr. Brown and the boys would have been proud of us!

After the park we headed back to the NC state farmers market that we went to last weekend.  The boys and I stayed in the van and sent Trent to find things.  He bought a lot of peaches so now I have to figure out something to make in order to use them.  THANKS TRENT!

Once we got back to the house, I sent Trent to Target to get Hank some diapers.  He comes back an hour and a half later with Target Brand diapers.  Now I'm all one for store brand items with the exception of a few things, vanilla wafer cookies, most cereals and diapers.  So he caught all kinds of grief concerning this matter.  He said he knew he probably would and now we have a bet as to how they will hold up.  I'm nervous I might be wrong.

Gus had a fundraiser dance tonight for scholarships at the martial arts center where he's taking jiujitsu.  He and Hank had a wonderful time.  There were two girls there and one was trying to get Gus to dance with her.  When Trent asked him why he wouldn't dance with her, he said that he liked her friend with the long blonde hair.  Turns out she was 12.  So at least we know his type!

Well Jill and Andy had their closings on both houses yesterday-so they have been moving.  I told Trent if we were still on Skyline, they'd only be 3 houses down.  Trent didn't like that thought...not that I blame him.  I love his family, but wouldn't want them that close.  So I'm feeling a little guilty that I can't be there helping them with things, but from what I've heard they are doing fine without me.  I think this coming Friday is when their Chinese exchange student comes for 10 months!  I sure hope that works out too.  I'll be interested to see how she settles in so quickly before school starts.  She's 16 and will be at North.  I'll fill you in when I get details.

I just asked Trent if Hank had peed out of his diaper.  His response "No.  It's a perfectly fine diaper."

Still feeling excited about you...only a few days!!!!  You're going to have so much fun!!!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Feeling Lazy

I've been feeling rather sorry for myself these last four days...not sure why.  The weather is hot and we've not done too much because of it.  I think that's making me feel lazy although I've actually cooked twice this week!  That makes it twice in over a month!  I think Gus has been feeling grouchy too.  He was being rather difficult last night.  I bought him this journal/book at the comic store that has one of his favorite shows characters in it.  So it gives you a little background into one of the episodes then asks you to write something.  I thought this would make Gus more interested in writing.  Last night he was to write about a dream he had and after writing a few words he said in a very aggravated voice 'Why did you buy this?  I don't want to write.'  Let's just say the evening went downhill from there.

Trent is protesting Direct TV-Did I tell you this???  When we moved we had the service suspended because we didn't know where we were moving so now Trent has something against Direct TV so we have yet to get cable.  I've been on Hulu, Netflix and Redbox-all streaming movies and shows.  I have missed the news terribly!  I read Huffington Post to get any world new...regardless he needs to end this boycott and get me some Dance Moms!  He did have me hooked on Arrested Development-It's Hilarious!!!  So I had to watch all the episodes.  Gus even got into it a little.  Thank goodness he didn't understand some of the adult I'm on to Downton Abbey.  Gus and Hank watched Fat Albert last night.  They loved it.  I forgot how cheesy cartoons use to be and that we only got to watch them on Saturday mornings.

Anyway our newest favorite place has been the Carr Mill Mall ( It's historical and reminds me a little of Fountain Square. They have this great toy store that the boys obviously enjoy and a little pizza parlor that's delicious!  We've been there twice this week.  I think we're going to head there for lunch today.  I'm just concerned that the boys will want toys every time we go-because you know we'll give in.  I'll let you know how it goes!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Train Ride

So Trent found this place about 30 minutes from here that offers steam and diesel train rides.  It's sounds better than it was...You can only imagine all the little boys that were there.  When we had first mentioned it to Gus he pretended he was sick so that he wouldn't have to go.
So they have these old train cars you can look through while you wait for the ride.  Once you board and the train starts going there is this old guy that asks to see tickets.  I thought 'what are they going to do to me if I don't show the ticket? throw us off? ' I know they were trying to make it like riding a train would have been, but I felt it to be rather lame and was not happy that I had to get up early for this. Overall the boys had a great time which is what matters most.  When we were walking back to the car Gus said 'mom don't be grumpy'  I was surprised because I hadn't said anything.  my reply was 'well i don't mean to be grumpy but I'm hot.'  He said he was hot too and not to be grumpy about it.  He's such a stinker!  Here my 7 year old is telling me to suck it up.  So once we got home I took a nap and felt better.

Last night I ventured to Target by myself, got lost but found my way back-i was too stubborn to call Mr. Navigation.  Earlier in the day I had read Gus' new school's parent manual and was excited to see the 2nd grade school supplies list.  I needed an excuse to look through all the school supplies.  So Target had the section and it was in the back of the store near outdoor furniture.  There was a lady sitting in an outdoor chair reading gossip magazines with her shoes off.  Can you believe that????? I was shocked.  Why do people think that that's ok?

Oh well....We are venturing to the Raleigh Farmers Market today.  We were told it has an extensive selection.  Trent has intentionally not purchased fruit the last 4 days because he's holding out for today.
I'll let you know how that goes.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Meet Frank

He's the newest addition to our fam.  Not sure if he's going to live.  I'm not even sure what kind of plant it is.  I've been wanting some large outdoor plants for the deck.  So when we happened to drive past a Lowes, we stopped.  Trent didn't like anything I wanted and then when we did both agree Trent had to bring up the fact that once killed a cactus--I didn't want to be reminded.  So I didn't get anything I wanted and Trent bought Frank.  He and Gus finally settled on the name.  The poor thing didn't know what kind of home he was going to.

Oh well-  Nothing exciting these last 3 days other than the pool.  I am trying to get Gus excited about this local steam train ride that they have within the area, but he's not into it at all.  Hank is really into the Thomas the train stuff right now so I think he'll like it.  Gus is just going to have to take one for the team I suppose.  Tonight when I picked him up from jiujitsu, he had this bigger boy on the ground.  He's really learned a lot in 2 lessons.  I hope this doesn't backfire on me.  When we got out of the van I asked him to take his "Gi" and he said "mom, it's called a shirt"  I replied "no, it has a specific name" he said "ok it's an outfit"  I just shook my head.

Hank Heffernan has been rather naughty.  He's doing everything Gus does.  And when I get onto him he either gives a sad, pouty face or says 'no' and laughs.  He'll be 2 on Aug. 6th and I've never liked it when people refer to his age as the terrible-twos, but with him it just might be fitting.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Our Atlantic Ocean Adventure

So Yesterday we ventured to the ocean.  After what should have been a 2 hour drive we made it to Carolina Beach in Wilmington.  After about 20 minutes playing we were looking like the 2nd picture.  Trent claimed he had tracked the weather and said it was going to be fine...we went back to the beach after about 10 minutes another front was coming in.  So we changed in the van (lots of fun let me tell you) and headed to the USS North Carolina in Wilmington.  Gus LOVED it!!!! as you can tell by the first picture.  We learned a lot, but not as much as I had liked.  Gus was like a pinball going to this and that the entire time.  He had a good time so I guess that's all that matters...we then found Cape Fear and wondered around it for some food.  Ended up eating at 'Fat Tony's.' I DO NOT recommend this place!!! Trent asked the waiter if the movie "Cape Fear" was filmed there and the guy didn't even know there was a movie titled Cape Fear... we then had earlier promised we'd go back to the beach.  This time we went to Wrightsville Beach-MUCH BETTER!!!!  Gus and Hank both enjoyed it.  Hank preferred to collect shells and Gus made friends in the ocean.  I posted some pics of this on FB.  We then made an attempt to walk the pier, but evidentially it was a fishing only pier and you had to go through this fishing store to enter it, so Gus was rather disappointed that he didn't see the guys fishing.  We then headed back to the van and Gus was bummed :(  He wanted to "go back and play with my friends."  Trent said "we need to get that kid some friends."  So we headed home around 8:30, overall having had a great day!

Today we did more exploring of Durham.  The American Tobacco District was incredibly cool and interesting.  You would have loved it!  When you come visit me, I'll take you there.  I'll send some pics so you get a better idea.  We left before the Durham Bulls played, found a Ben and Jerry's and headed home for late naps!

It looks like Trent will start his new job NEXT week, so we're trying to do all we can while we can.  The boys and I will be very sad.  I have only drove in the van by myself twice and the first time doesn't really count.  I am VERY directionally challenged and am concerned about getting without Mr. Navigation, we'll probably stay around here.

Not sure what the plan is for tomorrow, but I think we're going to try to head to the Outer Banks later in the week if the weather looks good.

Thursday, July 11, 2013


So Gus has simply been hysterical with the random things he says.  So Trent and I are trying to come up with a fun way to document these things.  If you have any ideas, please share!!!

Today he's said the following:

"I told my dad he was goofy."
"Those catfish are wicked awesome."
"I'm going to catch a hammerhead shark and then we'll have to keep it in a pool so I can play with it."
"Mom I don't want you at my new school.  You go to a new school too."

Carolina Blue VS. Duke Navy Blue

I said I wouldn't do it...Trent has been on me about getting UNC gear to wear and I just can't bring myself to do it. Everyone we've talked to said you have to choose a side.  In chapel hill, it's UNC nuttiness!! Trent spoke the word 'duke' and a woman said "don't cuss in this store."  It really is insane!   Even their buses are 'Carolina blue' and I thought I'd be happy with that because I like to think I look good in blue, but I think I look better in navy.  So back to this shirt Trent just had to get me-I wore it this afternoon and I feel stupid in it. I mean I was very self conscious wearing it...I kept wondering if people were looking at me knowing I was a fraud...oh I'm so bizarre.  Well I had an IU sweet 16 shirt on at the pool a few days ago and this older guy came up and said 'I was sad to see you are an IU fan.' Turns out he's from Ohio but still it's just a shirt. 

So Gus put a necklace around his neck today and said that "the ladies will like him if he tells them he's Mexican."  NOT joking here-  Trent said that the ladies like it when you're smooth. 
So later Gus said his dad was smart handsome and smooth.  Then with my quick thinking I told him that the ladies like when you write letters.  I was making an attempt to get him to practice those writing skills of his...ill let you know how that goes :/

Hope you have a good laugh last night!! And I'm anxious to hear more of the leasing of a car.. This sounds like an excellent idea!  I'm sure you can get a cute little that poster of the yellow mini cooper you had in your basement office at old FV.  

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


First off I'm sorry for slacking on the blog-internet was to be installed yesterday but wasnt so now we are waiting until Thursday. ..and I hate typing on Trents phone-anyway

So trents mom and grandma were down from wednesday until sunday morning.  It was nice tohave them here. We ate at a restaurant named Top of the Hill.  It's on a rooftop overlooking Franklin st in chapel hill AND it had the best food!!!  You would love it!

We also did some exploring of Duke. It's gorgeous. ..ill text you some pics!

We found a lake called Governors lake.  They had a little marina and fishing docks.  Gus was so excited. So yesterday trent thought it was time to take gus fishing.  We went to the little dock at our place.  I had some bread and the turtles geese and bass fish came right u p.  Hank was a little excited mess!  Well it quickly went south with hank heffernan there...he keep getting into the hooks.  Gus was yelling at him that he was ruining his first time fishing.  Well then both boys got tangled up in the fishing string.  I was laughing so hard and trent didnt think it was too funny.  Then it got worse... gus hooked a turtle.  Trent struggled to get the hook out and gus was crying.   It eventually broke the string and swam off with the hook...I'm worried it went off to die :(  ive got some pics of this little adventure too that ill send.

Lastly, what little ive been keeping up with the news, ive been very worried about your travels to the holy land.  Gus asked where you were moving to. So we pulled up a hes worried too.  Ill feel relieved once you get there and get settled in.

I'm always thinking of you and stuff I want to tell you...miss you so much!