Monday, August 26, 2013

Fabulous First Day

Look at these lovely ladies!!!!  I sent my formal resignation letter to MCCSC last night and decided that I had better run through my email for anything that I might want.  This photo from Sandy was a keeper!

So a brief run down of the day's funness

I get home and ask Gus how was school? his reply good.  I mean come on kid!  I need details.  He said that there was 1 naughty kid that got on yellow (whatever that means).  He also shared that he made a friend.  This friend told Gus that he had a girlfriend.  Gus said he told him to go tell his girlfriend that he loved her and to show her his muscles.  My kid is SO smooth-gets it from his dad.  So Gus proceeds to tell me that this kid's girlfriend had a friend that Gus likes.  I asked him what she looked like and he says she's tall like him and blonde.  I mean REALLY????  We'll see how this all pans out.  He said his teacher is really nice and that they share the same birthday.  He wasn't too happy about not riding the bus.  I tried calling transportation 3 times today and got nothing.  So he's once again upset about not getting to ride the bus tomorrow.  He told me he would get on yellow tomorrow so that he could be sent to the principal and then talk to her about this bus situation.  I told him he had better be excellent and that I'd write a note instead :)

Hank=Happiness!  Had a super terrific day with the new gal!  You can tell she's a natural with kiddos.  This makes me feel happy too!

I have hall duty in the 4th/5th grade hallway before and after school.  I tried my best to interact with all kids that would indulge me.  It was weird not to know any of them.  I sat ALL day in an office with the other "EC" teachers trying to finalize our schedules.  I finally had to get some interaction with kids so I wandered down to the cafeteria and talked to some 4th graders about their day.  They seemed cheerful.  I  tried calling HR several times and only left messages.  I'm really wanting to wrap all this paperwork business up!

ok so it's 1030 and Gus has yet to take a bath...Hank is clean and now playing with toys :)  I'm exhausted and I didn't even have kids today!  Hopefully we'll all quickly get into a better routine!


  1. Loved seeing that picture. That was a fun night. I'm so happy to hear about the first days. The first week everyone was back in Bloomington it seemed like everyone was exhausted. That seems to have calmed down now that peeps are back in the swing. I'm so happy for Hank too. He deserves the coolest babysitter on the planet.

    I've gotten better about writing this week. Things are coming along a little. Not great, but better.

    I really enjoy the days of writing. Sometimes the evenings are a little harder this week because Peter's at a conference so he gets home late and we haven't been going to the beach. That kind of got me down tonight. We instead watched Orange is the New Black which has to be the most depressing show ever. Not sure why I keep watching it.

    Okay, doll, I'm heading to sleep. How many kids are at your school? Is it big like Mr. Gus's school? Peter and I are trying to figure out a good trip for the weekend. I'll keep you posted. <3

  2. Erin, I'm so happy to read about the great first day that Gus had! I'm quietly reading your bloggity blog , secret stalker. But anyway, I'm so happy. Tell Mr. Gus that I miss his smiling face- and keep the updates coming. Miss you at the View too!!!!

  3. I'm glad you're secret no more, MG! Don't you think she has a great blogging style.

    How's your blogging going, friend? If I had my perfect job, I would not only be a blogger, I would be a blogging coach.

  4. Well, not blog coach, but a blog recruiter and encourager. I love blogging that much.

  5. I've been good a updating school blog: but horrible at updating my personal blog: But, I'm inspired.... So who knows....

  6. Glad things are going well for you all! I wanted to tell you, a first grader on the playground the other day asked me if I was Ms. Ritchey :)
