Friday, January 10, 2014

Student of the Month

Here's your boy this morning getting recognized for being helpful and kind to his peers.  He fist bumped the principal!  He was super excited that Trent came.  He said 'dad did you get me Hardees or McDonalds?'  I said we eat the breakfast that they have for us, dad didn't bring you breakfast.  After this revelation, I don't think he was AS excited about Trent being there :/  Overall, it was a nice event and some of my kiddos were excited for Gus when they saw him so that was sweet...  When we got home tonight I told him he could play video games(first time he's been allowed to do this all week),  I went into his room to aggravate him intentionally. He said 'mom you're getting on my nerves.'  SERIOUSLY?  I gave him a look and he said he meant business.  He's getting too big for his britches!

Hank is still nutty!  He's not on a good sleep schedule.  We had 3 weeks of him going to bed at 2 or 3 in the morning.  This week we've had 3 nights of him going to bed between 9 and 10.  One of those nights he got up at 11:30 and was ready to play.  He's killing me!  Lord knows I need my beauty rest.  So tonight he fell asleep at 6:30ish and woke up a little after 9.  He's going to be up for a while, but Gus is presently wrestling and aggravating him so maybe that will help get him back to sleep.  Please cross your fingers--we should Skype when he's up because isn't it like day there when it's night here????  Just a thought.

SO let's move on to Trent....As of last night he told me that at the end of this month he's going to Miami for like 4 days then going to Maryland for a month then he'll be back in NC.  I've been totally stressed and moody with all this unknown business.  I suppose I need to get use to it.  If this current plan changes, I'll keep you in the loop.

So this week for me has been ROUGH!  I know I'm dramatic, but we've had a slew of new sped kiddos enroll and they are super intense and with backgrounds I wouldn't wish on anyone.  AND had 8 official meetings concerning my kiddos...paperwork is the worst!  I LOVE sped, but man the paperwork and unknown is really pushing my limits these days.  I have an amazing team and a lot of wonderful and fun teachers that are super supportive and bosses that like me(thus far)!  We haven't even finished the 1st semester-Kids go to school until June 9th!  I mean I'm not even half way through the school year and am questioning how in the world I'm going to make it through....I know every teacher does this several times throughout the school year, but the politics and being in a "right to work" state is making it even harder.

OMG!  SO I'm in the mix on what's been happening at the view and expected a call from my sis...After school my sister texted for me to call her because she was waiting to talk to FV's interim principal.  So I told her what I knew, she got the same story from her insider sources and said she'd call me afterwards.  She calls me and said she was told by TM that she had a moral obligation to address the fact that 70% of FV students were not reading on grade level.  My sister said she called TM out and told her this sudden and unannounced change was a slap in the face to her and other parents and that if it were any other school in the district this would have never happened because the parents would be outraged.  So my sis plans on addressing each school member individually, attending and speaking at the next school board meeting and contacting the paper.  We'll see how this all needless to say, she's livid per usual.  What a mess and I'm beyond happy that I'm not there!  And glad you aren't either!  You need to come and work with me!  You'd love it and the literacy coach!  She reminds me of you because she's so passionate about getting kiddos to learn!

Hope you're enjoying your weather!  My plan is to head to the beach, BY MYSELF,  as soon as the weather gets a little warmer.  I haven't been to the gym all week!  I had been so proud for going consistently and certainly enjoyed a bit of time to myself!  With Trent wrapping up his current contract, he's not been home until 8ish and I'm just done at that point!  I certainly can't bring myself to get up any earlier than I have to in the mornings so I'm not so sure how my rockin' beach ready body is going to look by the time the weather is warm....LOL!!!  I found a cute cover-up at World Market (That's plan B).

My mom called this evening and the first thing she asked was if I had got Hank a GiGi cupcake yet.  She's relentless!!!! and I'm going to stop answering her calls until I can say that I have got him one.

I'll message you per FB to gossip a bit more....
As always, I love and miss you!!!


  1. I'm finally getting over here to read this, and of course I love every word.
    May I go on record that I love your sister?
    I wonder where they're getting that 70% #? Is it NWEA scores?
    I'm really happy for Gus. I'm really happy you moved him. You have really excellent instincts, not just about your kids, but about a lot of things. Just one of the many things I adore about you.

    Your description of work sounds like it's a good place, but it's also overwhelming. Making me nervous about going back. I was hoping I could get a job as the study hall supervisor at the high school.

    Trentster! What gives man? You're going to have line up babysitters galore. Because you need extra time.

    I hate it when kids don't sleep well. Hank Heffernan! C'mon buddy. I hope his day care provider isn't letting him sleep in the day because that SHIP HAS SAILED!

    Peter and I are going out to dinner at a cool little pub we like. Wish you were here! We would never stop talking!!!!!

  2. And btw, you're a very cool mom.

  3. Gi Gi Cupcake for my Hank please !
